Submicron resolution X-ray tubes

Submicron resolution tubes manage to achieve resolutions in the range from 0.5 to 15 microns. These tubes feature special diamond-based transmission targets and electron optics with condenser. A special characteristic of the product lines TCNF and TCNF Plus is the internal cooling of the electron optics to stabilize the focal spot position during submicron resolution CT scanning.

Product lines of submicron X-ray tubes: TC, TCHE, TCHE Plus, TCNF, TCNF Plus

Target power | JIMA resolution 2µm (High resolution) 0.9µm (Submicron resolution) 0.5µm (Submicron resolution)
10 Watt T TC
50 Watt THE Plus TCHE Plus TCNF Plus
Target power | JIMA resolution 2µm (High resolution)
10 Watt T
25 Watt THE
50 Watt THE Plus
Target power | JIMA resolution 0.9µm (Submicron resolution)
10 Watt TC
25 Watt TCHE
50 Watt TCHE Plus
Target power | JIMA resolution 0.5µm (Submicron resolution)
10 Watt
25 Watt TCNF
50 Watt TCNF Plus

Product line TC


Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-225-TC


Product line TC is recommended for computed tomography (CT) and high resolution inspection (HR) in electronics and medical industry.

These X-ray tubes offer a JIMA resolution of 0.9 microns (μm) and three modes of operation. Up to 25 Watt target power are available, using the optional High Energy Target.


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  • JIMA resolution 0.9 microns (μm)
  • Three modes of operation
  • Automatic Intensity Control (AIC) for continuous intensity of radiation
  • Automatic tube calibration for optimum performance
  • Easy maintenance with adjusted ready-to-use click-in cathodes and automatic tube venting
  • Unlimited lifetime

Product line TCHE


Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-225-TCHE


Product line TCHE is recommended for for computed tomography (CT), planar computed tomography (PCT), dimensional measurement (DM), and high resolution inspection (HR) in electronics and medical industry.

These X-ray tubes offer a JIMA resolution of 0.9 microns (μm) and three modes of operation.


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  • JIMA resolution 0.9 microns (μm)
  • Three modes of operation
  • Outstanding 25 Watt target power
  • Automatic tube calibration for optimum performance
  • Easy maintenance with adjusted ready-to-use click-in cathodes and automatic tube venting
  • Unlimited lifetime

Product line TCHE Plus


Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-160-TCHE Plus


Product line TCHE Plus  is recommended for for computed tomography (CT), planar computed tomography (PCT), dimensional measurement (DM), and high resolution inspection (HR) in electronics and medical industry.

These X-ray tubes offer a JIMA resolution of 0.9 microns (μm) and three modes of operation.


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  • JIMA resolution 0.9 microns (μm)
  • Three modes of operation
  • Outstanding 50 Watt target power
  • Automatic tube calibration for optimum performance
  • Easy maintenance with adjusted ready-to-use click-in cathodes and automatic tube venting
  • Unlimited lifetime

Product line TCNF


Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-225-TCNF


Product line TCNF, featuring an innovative internal cooling, reducing movement of focal spot by more than 90 %, is recommended for for computed tomography (CT), dimensional measurement (DM), and high resolution inspection (HR) in electronics industry and science.

These X-ray tubes have an internal liquid cooling of tube head for permanent stability of focal spot position, a liquid cooling of the turbo pump to avoid vibrations and provide and provide an ultimate JIMA resolution of 0.5 microns (μm) and highest magnification for semiconductor, electronics, and composite applications, featuring the High Resolution Diamond Target.


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  • Ultimate JIMA resolution and magnification for semiconductor, electronics, and composite applications
  • Developed for inline and offline two- and three-dimensional X-ray inspection
  • Internal cooling of tube head to stabilize focal spot position – less than +/- 1 μm focal spot movement in laboratory setup
  • Liquid cooling of turbo pump to avoid vibrations
  • Automatic venting valve for long life of vacuum

Product line TCNF Plus


Microfocus X-ray tube XWT-160-TCNF Plus


Product line TCNF Plus, featuring an innovative internal cooling, reducing movement of focal spot by more than 90 %, is recommended for for computed tomography (CT), dimensional measurement (DM), and high resolution inspection (HR) in electronics industry and science.

These X-ray tubes have an internal liquid cooling of tube head for permanent stability of focal spot position, a liquid cooling of the turbo pump to avoid vibrations and provide and provide an ultimate JIMA resolution of 0.5 microns (μm) and highest magnification for semiconductor, electronics, and composite applications, featuring the High Resolution Diamond Target.


Icon_CT_klein  Icon-DM_klein  Icon-HR_klein


  • Ultimate JIMA resolution and magnification for semiconductor, electronics, and composite applications
  • Developed for inline and offline two- and three-dimensional X-ray inspection
  • Internal cooling of tube head to stabilize focal spot position – less than +/- 1 μm focal spot movement in laboratory setup
  • Liquid cooling of turbo pump to avoid vibrations
  • Automatic venting valve for long life of vacuum